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What are perfect notes?

The secret for notes is that, there are no perfect notes. We believe that your notes are like your friends, who are always there to help you when you are about to get lost in a dense forest of JEE syllabus.

Remember: Your notes for JEE preparation are like your script for rehearsal before the final performance. Your JEE notes must be readable and understandable and should be a whole bunch that can make you confident and can save your time while revising for the final JEE exam.

► 3 Tips to get the best and most out of your JEE notes:


1. Preparing from someone else’s notes:

This is a very bad practice that students follow because everyone prepares their notes as per their understanding of the subject and their strategy of preparation. One can consider to take someone else’s notes as a reference to prepare but developing a practice to copy from someone else’s is not a recommended habit if you’re planning to succeed in JEE Main and Advance 2021.


2. Trying to make perfect notes:

Look, we’re not saying that you have to prepare your notes with a casual mindset, poor alignment or in a mismanaged format. But we’re trying to say that that instead of spending too much time and energy on “good looking notes”, try to make >SMART & Precise Notes<.  Smart and precise notes are the ultimate JEE preparation booster and also a lifesaver for JEE aspirants to revise lengthy topics easily and quickly just before the JEE examination.


3. Everyone has their own language (Language of self-understanding) and must prepare their notes for JEE preparation in their own language of self-understanding:

When you revise the concept after attending your classes, that is the perfect time when you should prepare your revision notes. We suggest you to use multiple study resources like recommended reference books and websites for preparing your notes while going through the concept along with your class notes. These notes will be the most practical to you because you will be marking down points in your own language using your understanding. This will seriously help you in retaining the concepts for a much longer time.


Remember: You should learn to summarize concepts this will seriously help you revising key points, concepts. Your notes should be super precise and can involve Keywords, Symbolic Diagrams, and Formulas as per your own convenience. Your JEE notes must be specific, covering the highlights and important points on first priority without making them lengthy to read.


► Bonus Tips:


         1. Do you know that NCERTs can also be a very good notebook for you?

NCERT is a magical book for you if you’re a JEE aspirant and this is a fact that the sooner you take this seriously the closer you’ll be to JEE success. NCERT should be the very first book you should master on but also, you can use NCERT as your notebook for adding new points and references from multiple resources. Add things that you find necessary or the topics that seem important. This will help you gain confidence in the overall JEE preparation using NCERT.


        2. Preparing notes right just after attending a topic’s class

A common observation suggests that preparing notes right just after attending a topic’s class tends to be efficient, concise and stays in memory for a much longer time because the topic you just studied is fresh in your mind, preparing its notes will be easy for you and will save you time without having any topic related doubts and confusion. The less words and useless information your notes carry the more successful they in saving you from completely re-reading a topic and revising with confidence for your successful JEE Main 2021 preparation.


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We wish you All the best for your preparation!!

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